Friday, June 21, 2019

The Salesman

A merchant can hardly avoid doing wrong; every salesman is guilty of sin. -Sirach 26:29 (GNT)

Having just bought a new car a few months ago, I remember the experience and know exactly what he is talking about when he writes this!

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Don't be angry with someone for every little thing he does wrong. Don't do anything out of injured pride. -Sirach 10:6 (GNT)

Anger is so much more destructive than we may realize. Sure, we can all see from time to time how it hurts others and there are always those times when we wish we could take something back that we said or did. Aside from that, which is bad enough, are the times when we hurt ourselves. Anger is like a cancer, that when left unattended, can spread and cause a serious threat to our health and well being. Even if were you to discount anything you read in the Apocrypha, the fact remains that the Bible has a lot to say about anger. 

We would be wise to heed what the Bible has to say in Psalm 37:8 (CEB):

Let go of anger and leave rage behind!
    Don’t get upset—it will only lead to evil.